IAPB blog post - Lack of evidence fails indigenous people worldwideInternational Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, September 2021
By Jacqueline Ramke and Hugh Bassett, International Centre for Eye Health

Globally, there are an estimated 370 million Indigenous people, living in 90 countries. Marginalisation, displacement and institutional racism has left Indigenous people across the world with poorer health and social outcomes compared with non-Indigenous people, including dying younger, having higher rates of infant mortality and poverty, and lower educational attainment…

Inequity in eye health is also evident with high income countries failing to ensure Indigenous populations have equitable access to eye care service. A recent scoping review from a team at the University of Auckland and the International Centre for Eye Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine also shows limited evidence that high-income countries are actively tackling this lack of access.

Read the full blog post on the IAPB website.