About us
We are a group of research, teaching, and professional staff from the School of Optometry and Vision Science who are working together to improve access to eye care in Aotearoa. Our work would not be possible without support from our collaborators and advisors from other parts of the University, the health sector, and beyond.
Research staff

Jacqui Ramke
Associate Professor
I joined SOVS in 2020. My work is focused on equity and eye health, and current projects include an HRC funded project to improve monitoring of and access to diabetes eye care in Auckland, and a pilot study for a population-based prevalence survey of vision impairment.

Joanna Black
Deputy Head of School
I am an optometrist and vision science researcher with interests in visual development and the provision of eye care in paediatric groups. I currently have projects investigating school vision screening and treatment approaches for amblyopia in young children. I am also investigating how eye care can be made more equitable by identifying barriers currently experienced by children and whānau accessing these services.

Pushkar Silwal
Research Fellow
I am a public health professional. I enjoy working at the cross-section of data, epidemiology, and policy in pursuit of health system improvement. Population eye health has been a new addition to my areas of work and I am finding it extremely satisfying.

Rebecca Findlay
Research Fellow
I am a clinically trained optometrist and began my PhD in 2017 on vision screening in New Zealand children and how vision conditions are related to reading ability. I became interested in this after completing my Masters, which highlighted the lack of contemporary population data for eye conditions in New Zealand children. I hope that the findings of my research will help to improve equity in eye care for New Zealand children.

Lucy Goodman
Research Fellow
I completed my PhD in Physiology in 2015. Since then, I have developed interests in science writing and communication, and vision research. I enjoy collating and synthesising complex information and I hope to apply these skills to new projects within the Community Eye Health team.

Maryam Pirouzi
Research Fellow
I am a researcher in health management with knowledge of the health economy and the integration of the healthcare system. I enjoy working with multidisciplinary research teams to improve health system performance. I have recently developed an interest in diabetic eye care, and I hope to make a meaningful contribution to the community eye care team.

Lisa Hamm
Research Fellow
My work generally sits at the intersection of vision science and community eye health. I’m particularly interested in promoting equitable access to eyecare during childhood, and investigating how the timing of treatment impacts the development of the visual system
Postgraduate students

Jaymie Rogers
PhD candidate
In 2020 I was awarded the University of Auckland Senior Health Research Scholarship to complete my PhD on inequities in eye care access with a particular focus on Māori and Pacific people in Auckland. I hope my research will be used to plan equitable eye care services for all New Zealanders.

Nimisha Chabba
PhD candidate
I am a public health professional, and my PhD focuses on measuring access to and the quality of diabetic retinopathy services in the context of universal health coverage. My research interests include population eye health, equity and health systems.

Claire O'Shea
Podiatrist & PhD candidate
I am a Podiatrist at Te Whatu Ora (Waikato) and I am completing my PhD on improving health care for older adults with sensory impairment and diabetes. I am enjoying being part of the Community Eye Health Team who all have similar goals in improving health care for all people in Aotearoa.

Renata Watene
Ngā Puhi | Tainui | PhD candidate
I am a Māori Optometrist with several community clinics. In 2020 I joined SOVS as a Professional Teaching Fellow Kaiāwhina. Through my mahi I have a been able to support staff, students and research projects by assessing our approaches to cultural safety and Te Tiriti ensuring we are actively including these values in all we do.

Deborah Ewuru
PhD candidate
Deborah Ewuru is a Nigerian-trained Optometrist, with an interest in equity and vision impairment. During her PhD, she will play a key role in collecting data in the field during our population-based eye health survey.

Isaac Samuels
Undergraduate Research Assistant
I am a Māori medical student in the final year of my studies, and a student researcher in the Department of Ophthalmology. My research focuses on Kaupapa Māori eye health projects, developing Māori frameworks for eye health, and working towards equitable and culturally safe eye healthcare for Māori in Aotearoa.
Professional staff

Germaine Joblin
Optometrist and Professional Teaching Fellow
I am an optometrist passionate about promoting vision health both globally and within my local community. I’ve had the privilege of contributing to volunteer initiatives in Nepal, Tanzania, Mongolia, and the Pacific region. Presently, I work in private practice and serve as a Professional Teaching Fellow aboard the Vision Bus Aotearoa. Our mission is to tackle disparities in eye health by offering eye exams to children in need.

Sachi Rathod
Optometrist and Professional Teaching Fellow
As a young short-sighted person myself, my optometry interests revolve around all things paediatrics, public health, and myopia control. With experience working in Hawke’s Bay and regional Wellington, it is good to be back home in Auckland to take up the role of Professional Teaching Fellow on the Vision Bus Aotearoa. Our mission is to help resolve healthcare inequities in the some of our youngest and most vulnerable people—children.

Veeran Morar
Professional Teaching Fellow
I am an optometrist with previous experience working in remote aboriginal communities in Western Australia. Currently, I’m a Professional Teaching Fellow on the Vision Bus Aotearoa. The Vision Bus is a mobile optometry clinic that aims to address inequity in eye health by making sure children can see clearly at school so that they can seek higher education.

Emily Benefer
Dispensing Optician & Professional Teaching Fellow
I am a Dispensing Optician and Professional Teaching Fellow on the Vision Bus Aotearoa dispensing glasses to children. My interests lie in childhood myopia and I have begun a Master of Health Science investigating how well children adapt and adhere to glasses designed to slow myopia progression, and the barriers to full time wear.

Telusila Vea
Community Coordinator
I joined SOVS in 2021 as a Community Coordinator following completion of my Masters in Public Health focused on Pacific Health. Our pilot population-based study uncovered a large unmet need for eye care in our Pacific Community and I look forward to working with the Community Eye Health Team to make eye care more accessible in Aotearoa.

Ashley Gray
Professional Teaching Fellow
I joined the School in 2019 and since then have completed a MHSc in optometry alongside teaching. I am an active part of the SOVS school vision screening programme and I have based some of my research on the prevalence of uncorrected refractive error in school children. I’m interested in a number of areas of research in optometry, notably equity in paediatric eye care as well as the scope of cultural safety of optometrists in Aotearoa.